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OTTO Services - Brand Review

This is a test page for the new slices created for the Services sequence.

This is a Rich Text slice.

There is no immediate use for it, but it is meant to be versatile to any future needs. Please review the different capabilities used below.

This is a new paragraph to show automatic spacing between paragraphs.

This is an H1.

This is an H2.

This is an H3.

This is an H4.

This is a caption.

This is a label.

This is a caption. We can also add videos to this slice.

This is a caption. We can also add videos to this slice.

“We chose OTTO after interviewing 7-8 other companies. We chose OTTO because it fit our Faurecia Excellence Solution. We are trying to be the leanest environment possible and OTTOs are less disruptive to the work cell, easily interchangeable with the operators, seamless to our operations, and have reduced our overall footprint.”

Chris Newby, Engineering Director, FORVIA

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OTTO Care Plans

Choose the right plan for your facility


Explore your coverage options


OTTO Care LiteOTTO Care PlusOTTO Care Pro

Access to OTTO Support Center

Email Technical Support

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET (Monday to Friday)

24 hours (Monday to Friday)

24 hours (Monday to Friday)

Phone Technical Support

24 hours (Monday to Friday)

24 hours (Monday to Sunday)

Powertrain Parts Coverage

Priority On-Site Repair

Annual On-Site Preventative Maintenance

12-Month Coverage With Annual Renewal
