Case Study
OTTO partners with AMT to deliver turnkey solutions for the packaging industry

AMT and OTTO partner to implement the first robots at packing manufacturer
Applied Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) is an industry leader in robot automation engineering and manufacturing systems integration globally. For more than thirty years, AMT has helped customers automate their manual processes.
AMT and OTTO Motors partnered to implement the first robots at Rehrig Pacific Company (Rehrig). For over one hundred years, Rehrig has been tackling supply chain and waste and recycling challenges with industry-leading reusable plastics products and solutions. Today, Rehrig specializes in designing secondary packaging solutions to address the unique supply chain needs of Fortune 500 companies across various industries.
AMT and OTTO Motors were determined to improve productivity and safety at Rehrig’s Florida facility, while combating their labor shortage problem with an integrated, automated material handling solution.
Together, AMT and OTTO Motors implemented a material handling workflow to transport Rehrig's plastic bins and totes. At the Florida facility, the totes move down the conveyor and are labeled with a unique barcode. A FANUC robotic arm stacks the totes onto a pallet, and once the pallet is full, an OTTO 1500 with a lift attachment arrives at the front-of-line station. OTTO picks up the pallet and drives the totes to the end-of-line station where the pallet is stretch wrapped. The process continues as each pallet is completed at the front-of-line station.
OTTO and AMT delivered a turnkey solution for Rehrig, showcasing the importance of strategic partnerships when implementing autonomous material handling solutions.
Fleet Manager is a great tool that anyone can pick up on the fly. If you need to expand your modules by any means, it’s very easy to jump in and do so. You can add and remove pieces and hardware throughout the factory and it’s not going to affect OTTO’s capabilities. [The AMR is] going to learn and relearn how to get around and do its job.
Tyler Bruder
Automation Engineer, AMT