


AMA: What service and support expectations should I have for an AMR provider?

OTTO Motors

In this blog series, manufacturing facilities and warehouses ask their top industry and product questions, and OTTO Motors’ material flow experts will answer them.

Once autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) have been deployed in a facility, AMR providers and end users need to work together on a maintenance plan. Without one, the AMR fleet may be down more than in production, reducing return on investment. Thus, when selecting an AMR provider, you should look for a provider who invests in building a long-term relationship with multiple plan options that support the needs of your business—one that will empower your team and offer training to keep the AMR fleet running.

What service and support expectations should I have for an AMR provider?

  • Your chosen provider should offer multiple packages post-implementation designed to allow you to choose the offering that is right for your needs. This can range from occasional technical support and training materials, to packages for mission-critical operations with advanced proactive and preventative support.
  • Your chosen provider should also offer multiple packages for robot repairs, from do-it-yourself options with guides and training courses to fully assisted repairs.
  • You may wish to purchase spare parts only when required or to proactively have a supply of spare part kits on site. Your chosen provider should offer both options.
  • You should choose a provider that is a partner through every step of the process, including monitoring and tracking your satisfaction level and providing a customer success manager (CSM) at no cost. The CSM should proactively engage with you regularly to ensure your ROI is maximized and your fleet is optimized.

By setting expectations for the service and support you need before selecting an AMR provider, you can ensure maximum uptime and ROI for your implementation. When evaluating AMR solutions, you can ask the following questions to help narrow down your list of potential providers:

  • What are your ongoing support packages, if you have any? Do you have a variety? Which best meets my specific needs?
  • Is ongoing support available through your company directly, even if I purchase the robot from one of your dealers? Will you be on site or on the phone with the dealer if we have issues?
  • Are there guided and self-guided options for repairs? What kind of enablement tools and materials do you provide for self-guided maintenance?
  • Can you share recent customer satisfaction metrics? What do you think contributes to your score?

Alongside service and support, you should consider a variety of factors when selecting an AMR provider, including throughput, ease of use, and more. Learn which questions to ask in our latest whitepaper, “8 Key Considerations When Assessing AMR Vendors.”

Written by Steve, Director of Implementation Services at OTTO Motors.

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